Wrenley's 1st Year

As first-time parents, what could be more exciting than documenting your baby’s growth every month for the first year of their lives? We knew from the beginning that we couldn’t resist this and had planned for it all along. But, frankly speaking, taking baby photos was actually not as easy as we had imagined. They were, at first, so fragile, and putting cute clothes on them was quite a challenge. Then, as they outgrew that phase and became more active, they would ignore all our instructions and do exactly the opposite of what we were trying to get them to do. It’s not an exaggeration to say that after every photo session, we were truly exhausted! But hey, looking back at those photos (perhaps a few thousand of them), we would totally do it all over again in a heartbeat, without hesitation!


Taken in the hospital on the first day of her arrival into this world, Wrenley was happily swaddled by a nurse and sleeping soundly in the bassinet. And as you can tell, the wild ride has officially started from here and there’s no turning back :)

1 Month

Slept most of the time in a day, and of course, she slept right through the entire photo session too.

2 Months

Even with Eczema all over her face, still trying hard to look cute.

3 Months

Started to interact with people, the first formal capture of those smiles!

4 Months

Dancing joyfully with her best friend, bunny.

5 Months

She was so happy, then she was deep in her thought…

6 Months

Gained some weight, yet still pretending to be a ballerina.

7 Months

Cuteness is history, she’s now trying to be cool.

8 Months

How many hair accessories are too many? More, please!

9 Months

Featuring Wrenley and her first 2 teeth.

10 Months

Did dad just tell a joke? Because it’s funny.

11 Months

About to give a powerful and emotional speech - maybe about her favorite milk bottle, so listen up everyone!

12 Months

Okay, we are pretty certain that she knows she has adorable written all over her face by now.

1st Birthday

Before we came to realize how it happened, it already happened - Wrenley is ONE.

Hey little one, happy birthday! We love you so much, and in case you don’t know how much that is - we love you more than you love milk.


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