Exploring Guizhou, the Hidden Beauty of South West China

Our last international trip was almost 2 years ago, in fact it felt like ages ago.. Why did it take that long for us to travel internationally again? So much has happened during the past 2 years, but the most obvious reason - instead of the TWO of us exploring the world, we are now traveling as a family of THREE! Though it may not sound like a lot more headcount, let us assure you that adding this little human being has definitely added a LOT more work, from luggage and bags to carry to daily preparations, from thorough planning and frequent stops to shifted priorities, etc., but of course, it came with a LOT more unimaginable happiness, too.


As our first destination in Guizhou, we arrived at its capital city - Guiyang. We spent about 1 relaxing week here visiting friends and families, and had a chance to explore some nearby places.

Qingyan Ancient Town

Originating from Ming Dynasty, this ancient town is now over 600 years old and is one of the most cultural and historical towns in Guizhou.

Qingyan used to be a hidden gem known only by the locals, but in recent years, this ancient town has received the highest 5A touristic rating in China and quickly gained popularity among visitors from all over the place, now showcasing its charm to the world.

The town has so many unique and fun shops to check out, as well as some authentic local restaurants and fusion coffee shops, a place you can easily relax, shop, and spend a whole day.

Tianhetan Scenic Area

This scenic park is just outside of the city center of Guiyang, an easily accessible spot with around half an hour drive, but with views that you can rarely see in cities.

Known for its karst landform, Tianhetan’s top attractions consist a water cave, a dryland cave, and a waterfall. And to make the experience of visiting this fairyland even better, there is a small village with a great deal of restaurants and vendors offering all kinds of local food at the end of the tour.

Jiaxiu Tower

In the heart of downtown Guiyang, this ancient three-story pavilion is one of the most iconic buildings of this city. Standing above Nanming River, Jiaxiu Tower is not only a magnificent architecture impressively built back in 1597, but also the best representation of Guiyang’s rich history.


From Guiyang, it took us about 4-5 hours of drive to arrive in Xingyi, a city on the southwest side of Guizhou with a pleasant climate year-round, also the first stop of our road trip after leaving Guiyang.

Jilongbao Resort

Xingyi has so many scenic spots to check out, but this castle named “Jilongbao” definitely played a huge role when we were choosing and deciding on destinations to see in Guizhou.

This medieval-style castle is actually a resort built on an island, with only a single bridge connecting it to the mainland. The majestic look will literally wow you from far away, but the closer you look at how the castle was perfectly designed and harmoniously built on the small island, the more extraordinarily impressed you’ll be.

The admission ticket also includes free entry into the castle to see its galleries and collections, as well as access to a glass walkway on the top of the castle.

Wanfenglin Scenic Area

Wanfenglin, translating to “forest of ten thousand peaks”, cannot be more accurate to describe its view.

You’ll probably hear the term “karst landform” a lot here in Guizhou, and Wanfenglin is such a spectacular demonstration of it, in fact, one of the largest peak forests in China. You can choose to explore this scenic area by yourself with no admission cost, or you can also opt to take the electric mini tour bus, which will take you up the hills for a more grand view. The scene from higher up is absolutely captivating, offering a never-ending panoramic view that is simply splendid.

Nahui Village

Nahui Village is surrounded by Wanfenglin, and is composed of 3 sections - Upper Nahui, Middle Nahui, and Lower Nahui. The residents in the villages are primarily from ethnic minority groups of China, providing a heartfelt experience you could hardly find elsewhere.

Nahui Village is also renowned for its rapeseed fields. Luckily for us, we were here during the blossom season, and the bright yellow colors were more than cheerful to see!

Malinghe Canyon

If you are looking for a breathtaking exploration of Mother Nature’s creation, Malinghe is a great place for it. This canyon, with steep cliff and numerous waterfalls, will take you deep into nature, known as “the most beautiful scar of the earth”.

The canyon does not take long to explore, but you will likely pass through several caves with waterfalls right above you - so be prepared to get wet if you’re not dressed properly.


Leaving Xingyi, we then drove about 2.5 hours to Anshun, where our next and final stop of this road trip is.

Huangguoshu Waterfall

Name the most famous scenic spot in Guizhou, chances are Huangguoshu Waterfall is probably on the very top of the list. This is not only the most famous scenic spot in Guizhou, but also the largest waterfall in China.

To tour this place, you will be following a loop trail that starts from the bottom of the hill and eventually leads you to a cave behind the waterfall - yes plan to get wet from both the mists and splashes, and be ready to hear the roar of the falling water.

The trail allows one-way traffic only and you will get to see the waterfall from the other side once you exit the cave, and the whole experience feels like a super close and in-depth encounter with nature, a very much memorable one indeed.

Doupotang Waterfall

With the same ticket purchased for Huangguoshu Waterfall, it also included free admission to Doupotang Waterfall nearby. Though it cannot compare to Huangguoshu Waterfall in size, Doupotang Waterfall is still unique in its shape and worth checking out.

It is only fair to say that our families and friends have made this trip us significantly easier than expected. Without them, we are uncertain whether we could’ve pulled it through with an 11-month-old traveling with us abroad. There are so many more places we’d love to see in Guizhou that unfortunately we could not make it to this time, but the fortunate thing is we are very certain that we will be back again. Till next time!


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