New York Getaway 2018

Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO

Posing and smiling with Manhattan behind us, super romantic lights during magic hour. With views like these, we’d climb up and go down restlessly just for the perfect angles.

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Statue of Liberty 

Happened to be a rainy day when we visited, it was also so windy that we could hardly hold still the umbrella, but it added a touch of softness to the city view that is very rare to see otherwise.

镜头里的纽约很唯美 | 镜头外的我们很狼狈

Central Park and The MET

Breathing and absorbing the nature and art of NYC.

Always so amazed by the existence of Central Park in the heart of Manhattan, a city that is so crowded with people and buildings. The peacefulness here will almost give you an illusion of being in a completely different city.

Equally amazed by the high level of appreciation for creativity in New York, the strong pursuit of art, the intense passion for life, the fiery desire for love…

艺术的殿堂 | 艺术家的天堂

Fifth Avenue and Times Square

New York is probably one of those places where you can visit again and again, and never be bored of. You could see different billboards, meet different people, and dine at different restaurants, all at the same place but with completely different experiences every single time.

And just as the lyrics sing:

These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you
Let's hear it for New York

- Empire State Of Mind, Song by Jay-Z/Alicia Keys

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